Tvorba web stránky pre výrobcu kávy

Mallay – Coffee maker

e-shop creation – webdesign, wordpress

Mallay is an organic coffee brand that is grown in a fair-trade way, so the client’s requirement was to bring the Mallay brand closer to large customers, companies and domestic customers in the way that a retail customer could order a coffee package via e-shop. Since the e-shop was to offer relatively few items and the presentation part of the website was more important, we decided, due to the client’s requirements, to develop the website using the WordPress CMS. Due to the fact that traffic from mobile devices is quite high in this segment, we also paid increased attention to the mobile version of the website.

Multilingual site

Mallay coffee is distributed to a number of countries, such as Austria and the United Arab Emirates, so one of the client’s requirements was a multilingual version of the website, which we successfully deployed to all parts of the website, including the e-shop.

WordPress coupled with Woocommerce is the right solution for smaller e-shops with a lower number of products.

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